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Examples of Educational Planning Regularly Scheduled Series:
Ongoing, multi-session educational series for UM participants 
(e.g., grand rounds, morbidity & mortality conferences)

Anesthesiology Morbidity & Mortality Conference
Case-based, weekly series for UM participants.

Practice gap, educational need, and expected result (application’s Educational Planning section)

  • What practice gap will this education address?
    • Physicians are not routinely analyzing their practice experiences to improve clinical practice.
  • What education is required to address the practice gap?
    • Physicians need to learn how to analyze their practice experiences to improve clinical practice
  • What change is expected after participation in the educational activity?
    • Physicians will routinely utilize new strategies to improve the clinical management of patients who are unstable in the OR, and routinely identify and respond to patient safety issues

General Activity Description (i.e., expected results) (application’s Activity Hosting & Promotion section)

  • At the end of this series, physicians will routinely utilize new strategies to improve the clinical management of patients who are unstable in the OR, and routinely identify and respond to patient safety issues..

Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Lecture-based, weekly series for UM participants.

Practice gap, educational need, and expected result (application’s Educational Planning section)

  • What practice gap will this education address?
    • Pediatric faculty, house officers and medical students are not utilizing new, cutting edge treatments and approaches to provide pediatric patients with up-to-date and evidence-based care.
  • What education is required to address the practice gap? (ie. the educational need)?
    • Pediatric faculty, house officers and medical students need to learn about new, cutting edge treatments and approaches to provide pediatric patients with up-to-date and evidence-based care.
  • What change is expected after participation in the educational activity? (ie. the expected results)
    • What change is expected after participation in the educational activity? (ie. the expected results) 
      Pediatric faculty, house officers and medical students will be able to incorporate new, cutting edge treatments and approaches to provide pediatric patients with up-to-date and evidence-based care.

General Activity Description (i.e., expected results) (application’s Activity Promotion section)

  • As a result of this series, pediatric faculty, house officers and medical students will be able to incorporate new, cutting edge treatments and approaches to provide pediatric patients with up-to-date and evidence-based care.

Note: See the Marketing Guidelines for information we recommend be included in any promotional materials developed by the department.