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Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder- Treating the Whole Patient in Primary Care

Step Status
Starts On: 11/16/2021: 12:00 AM
Ends On: 12/31/2022: 11:45 PM
Type: Online Course
Credits: 2
Objectives: On completion of the Refresher on MAT session with Dr. Bolo, participants should be able to:

1. Explore the history of the US Opioid Epidemic and the current imperative to address it
2. Recognize the development of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), including Methadone maintenance and office-based Buprenorphine
3. Challenge commonly-held biases amongst physicians to bust myths that prevent clinicians from providing MAT in their practices

On completion of the Maintenance and Protocol session with Dr. Lipshie, participants should be able to:
1. Review medications available for treating opioid use disorder.
2. Discuss the rationale for medication management of opioid use disorder
3. Describe practical considerations
4. Discuss the fears, biases, and barriers


Peter Bolo, MD, Atlantic Health System
Tamara Lipshie, MD, Atlantic Health System