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CME Super Users

The CME Super Users work to improve the administration of Michigan Medicine CME activities by developing organizational infrastructure and communication processes. The group allows for better training of staff members, for easier dissemination of information regarding new CME initiatives and processes, and for sharing best practices to increase efficiencies. They act as a liaison between the central Office of Continuing Medical Education and Lifelong Learning and local CME staff. 

The individuals listed below can be contacted for information on planning, organizing, and administering CME activities for your department.

Name Email Department
Wu, Grace glwu@med.umich.edu A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute
Burger, Dawn drburger@med.umich.edu Anesthesiology
Corwin, Rachel rehack@med.umich.edu Anesthesiology
Funderburk, Pam pfunderb@med.umich.edu Anesthesiology
TBD   Cardiac Surgery
Giletto, Jackie jgiletto@umich.edu Dermatology
Lewis, Amanda amalewis@umich.edu Dermatology
Bondie, Janine jbondie@med.umich.edu Emergency Medicine
Cena, Katie kacena@med.umich.edu Emergency Medicine Residency Education
TBD   Faculty Development
Ledgard, Helen hledgard@med.umich.edu Family Medicine
Smith, Shannon shasmith@med.umich.edu Family Medicine
Koch, Georgina kogeorgi@med.umich.edu Frankel Cardiovascular Center (CVC)
Ambs, Dawn dawnambs@med.umich.edu Internal Medicine
Picinotti, Allison apicinot@med.umich.edu Internal Medicine
Reau, Erin evanwass@med.umich.edu Internal Medicine
Hill, Beth Bethhill@umich.edu Learning Health Sciences
Jeske, Dierdre dierdre@med.umich.edu Learning Health Sciences
Kuhlman, Carol cegreg@med.umich.edu Neurology
TBD   Neurosurgery
Seif, Elizabeth eseif@med.umich.edu Obstetrics & Gynecology
Burkheiser, Jennifer jbheiser@med.umich.edu Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Garcia, Christine garciach@med.umich.edu Orthopaedic Surgery
Pollak, Abby poabigai@umich.edu Otolaryngology
Wessel, Rachel rmbred@med.umich.edu Otolaryngology
Suliman, Angela asuliman@med.umich.edu Pathology
Morgan, Ashley morganad@med.umich.edu Pediatrics & Communicable Diseases
Devine, Melanie devineme@umich.edu Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Johnson, Anna annasimp@umich.edu Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Hayes, Danielle daniehay@med.umich.edu Psychiatry
Kieliszewski, Fawn fawnrous@med.umich.edu Psychiatry
Brandon, Sonja sbrandon@med.umich.edu Radiation Oncology
Hart, Linda linhart@med.umich.edu Radiology
McCoy, Ben bamccoy@umich.edu Regulatory Affairs
Betts, Christine chrbetts@umich.edu Rogel Cancer Center
Streeter, Erin eeoneill@umich.edu Rogel Cancer Center
Zeitlin, Laura lzeitlin@med.umich.edu School of Social Work
TBD   Surgery
Brand, Stacy Slipson@med.umich.edu Transplant Center
Cromer, Michelle mcromer@med.umich.edu Transplant Center
Stout, Rachel rstalter@med.umich.edu Urology