Frequently Asked Questions about Registration
How do I set up activity registrations in MiCME?
You will submit this information with your CME application. A variety of registration options are available to best serve your needs. We will contact you for additional information as needed after you submit your application.
How are walk-ins handled the day of the activity?
If a participant would like to do walk in registration, they should set up an account and register using a personal device. OCME is unable to provide same day registration assistance.
How does our department obtain funds received from credit card payments in MiCME?
Revenue (minus standard credit card transaction and processing fees) will be transferred monthly to the shortcode provided to our office.
How are check payments handled in MiCME?
Checks should be mailed to and processed by your department. Coordinators can use the Registration Balances report to see who has paid by check and has an outstanding balance. Forward the report to our office and we will enter the payment information in MiCME. Payment information is entered by our office on Friday of each week. Information received after end-of-business Thursday will be processed entered the following week.
How are shortcode payments handled in MiCME?
Shortcode payments should be processed by your department. Coordinators can use the Registration Balances report to see who has entered a shortcode as payment. Forward the report to our office and we will enter the payment information in MiCME. Payment information is entered by our office on Friday of each week. Information received after end-of-business Thursday will be processed entered the following week.
For more information on how to process shortcode registration payments, please contact Shared Services.
How are cancellations handled in MiCME?
Registrants should contact your department directly for questions concerning the activity and to request cancellations. You can then contact our office with the activity name, registrant name and any cancellation fee that needs to be applied and we will process.
Can we provide discounts for specific groups, for example, community physicians?
Yes, participants can be identified through registration by customizable groups - and individual prices applied. Please be aware of Federal Fraud and Abuse Laws regarding rewards and referrals.