Evidence & Equity in Serious Mental Illness

Activity: Psychiatry Grand Rounds (2024)
February 21, 2024: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Rachel Upjohn Building Auditorium & webinar 
Credits: 1.5 

Credits available:

AMA PRA Category 1: 1.50
APA: 1.50
Participation: 1.50
Social Work: 1.50

Supporting Documents

Educational Objectives

  • Describe the general state of outcomes for youth and adults with SED/SMI and the ways in which outcomes have or have not changed in the past 30 – 40 years
  • Articulate ways in which poverty impacts SED/SMI onset, access to and quality of services and long-term outcomes
  • Explain why greater involvement of service users can help address underlying sources of inequity in SED/SMI


Evidence & Equity in Serious Mental Illness