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Mental Health First Aid Training - September 11th, 2024

Classroom Wing SON.
Jackson, MS
United States
September 11, 2024 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Activity Coordinator/Nurse Planner

Nyabang Buom, PhD, The Office of Wellbeing

Activity Director/Primary Nurse Planner(s)

Joshua Mann, MD, Preventive Medicine
Kandy Smith DNS,, RN, School of Nursing

Planning Committee Member(s)

Tracey Goldman, FNP, Employee Student Health
Seena Haines, PharmD, Pharmacy Practice
Sondra Redmont, MSW, UMMC Office of Well-being
Iesha Smith, LPC, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Breanna Wade, PhD, CHES, Preventive Medicine