California Laws | Business and Professions code section 219002196.7

There are several laws in the state of California governing content that is eligible, ineligible and mandatory in the development and delivery of Certified Continuing education.

Continuing education must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a scientific or clinical content with a direct bearing on the quality or cost-effective provision of patient care, community or public health or preventative medicine
  2. Concern quality assurance or improvement, risk management, health facility standards, or the legal aspects of clinical medicine
  3. Concern bioethics or professional ethics.
  4. Designed to improve the physician/patient relationship

Educational activities that are not directed towards the practice of medicine or are directed toward the business aspects of medical practice, including, but not limited to medical office management, billing and marketing are not eligible for continuing education credit.

To review the specific laws, please click here for the California Laws governing continuing Education.